High Isolation: 60 dB @ 1 GHz 50 dB @ 2 GHz Positive Control: 0/+5V 51 dBm Input IP3 Non-Reflective Design MS8G SMT Package, 14.8 mm2
Typical Applications
The HMC435MS8G .
The HMC435MS8G is ideal for:
* Basestation Infrastructure
* MMDS & 3.5 GHz WLL
* Test Instru.
The HMC435MS8G is a non-reflective DC to 4 GHz GaAs MESFET SPDT switch in a low cost 8 lead MSOP8G surface mount package with an exposed ground paddle. The switch is ideal for cellular/PCS/3G basestation applications yielding 50 to 60 dB isolation, lo.
Related datasheet